Saranac Brewing - Long John Lager
Trying to get this one in under the gun, I decided to go play a round of night disc golf with a friend since it stopped raining and wasn't too cold this evening. Now that I'm back, I need to get to sleep shortly to gear up for the Christmas Eve festivities that will be taking place tomorrow as well. That being said, I went with the easy choice tonight. I am not expecting too much from this beer tonight, unfortunately.
I wish it looked that cool round sucked |
I've had Saranac beers before and have seen them around for quite a while. A fraternity brother of mine used to purchase it all the time and we all thought he was fancy for doing so. My how times have changed! Maybe it's my palate that's changed...? If I'm in the mood for something different, and there's a variety pack of it available, I've been known to pick up a mixed Saranac case before. Especially, if I really don't want to spend too much on a case! You get a decent brew from these guys, but don't expect a ton. It's middle of the road for me for most of their beers.
This particular beer pours a dark, clear mahogany color with an off-white head to it. There is some sweet caramel on the nose that I can gather, but there are a few other things fighting each other for a not so pleasant aroma.
The taste is what I expected. The bottle mentions some sweet caramel malts and toasted nuttiness will be found in this beer. The sweetness isn't overbearing at all. In fact, I wouldn't describe it as sweet at all because a hop bite cuts right through any sweetness that is supposed to be here. As for the toasted nuttiness, that definitely leaves a dry and warming feeling in your throat on the back end of this brew.
Quite honestly, I wasn't too impressed with this choice. I actually expected it to be something a little better than it was. This, like very few brews out there, will be one that I don't recommend to anyone. It doesn't quench thirst since it's a winter-style beer. It doesn't please my palate whatsoever. Nothing about it makes me want more. I'm sitting here looking at the glass as I type this and I really don't feel the need to finish it at the moment.
Sorry Saranac...this goes on the Naughty List of Beers - 2.5 out of 5 lumps of coal |
Well...there's always Christmas Eve! See you tomorrow! Get that shopping done as well as your wrapping!
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