Today marks the last Winter Warmer Wednesday post of the 2015 beer blog! I was fortunate enough tonight to have some friends invite my wife and I over for a bottle share to get ready for the holidays. I'll be honest. After those 8 different beers my reviewing skills may be slightly off. No worries, 4 ounces at a time over a 4 hour period makes it all good!
Tonight, for the final WWW post of the year is a Hoppin' Frog Frosted Frog Christmas Ale, an 8.6% ABV Winter Warmer chock full of spice. I honestly thought that I'd had this before, but according to my trusty Untappd app I was wrong.
The beer poured a clear, caramel color with little head at the top that quickly vanished from my 4 ounce tasting glass.
The aroma was what appeared to be a balanced and solid blend of spices which was predominantly cinnamon and ginger along with a hint of nutmeg and a strong caramel backbone to round things out.
With each sip came a caramel flavor with ginger and cinnamon bite which lingered along with some residual ginger to finish things off to warm the throat.
Right on with the spices and malts for a WW for sure. I'll give this a solid 3.75 out of 5 for a style that's not something I look for, even on a seasonal basis. However, this is probably one of the better balanced WW styles that I've had in the last 3 years for sure with the spices and malts coming together.
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