Sunday, December 2, 2018

December 2nd - Arrogant Consortia Enter Night

Getting to things a little later than expected this evening.  A pretty busy day taking care of stuff around the house today along with wishing my best guy a happy 7th birthday!  

You're in for Metallica references here if this blog is a miss for you this evening, you've been given full disclosure ahead of time.

Back in my high school days, I delved into lots of genres of music.  Some of them I still listen to occasionally and some of them I left behind or outgrew.  Metallica has been a band that I've followed more so than others for certain through their career.  I even went so far as to dig back into their older stuff when I was a young adult.  I started my appreciation for the group with the Black Album, and Enter Sandman.  My uncle used to play a ton of heavy metal music in the car when he and I would spend Sunday afternoons together shopping at the local flea markets and baseball card shop in Winfield.  

Eventually, I purchased the CD and could listen to it straight through, more than I can say for most albums these days.  I guess digital music has a purpose, especially when only one song is a hit for a group.

Another purchase from W and S the other evening comes from Arrogant Consortia (a spin-off from a marketing standpoint of Stone Brewing Company) and a collaborative effort from Metallica.  The can art showcases the traditional Metallica font and the stone Arrogant Bastard head.  I'm not always much for pilsner style beers, but something lighter compared to yesterday isn't a bad thing.  

I'm a sucker for can art and pop culture references when it comes to beer, so this purchase was going to happen eventually.  Let's see if Metallica has good taste in beer or not, shall we?

It doesn't get much use, so I broke out my fancy pilsner glass tonight and poured this from the can.  A slightly golden pour filled the glass with just a slight haziness.  At first a bubbly white head topped this brew and it stayed with me the whole way through the sample.

A traditional pilsner corn aroma was present here with some sweetness in the background.  I'm hoping for more than some Miller or Coors Light flavor here.  It'll be unforgiven if that's what I get here tonight.

The first sip definitely caught me off guard.  A very pleasant pine or spruce bitterness was the very first thing I tasted with this beer with just a touch of sweetness.  After a while, there was some cracker notes along with some grassy and slight earthy undertones as well.  Strangely enough there is a white grape flavor at the end.  

We all know I'm an IPA guy, but this is a hoppy pilsner if I've ever had one!  Turns out this is definitely the hero of the day! 

If you're into pilsner style beers or just in the mood for something lighter in body and ABV (5.7% to be exact), go ahead and ride the lighting and give it a whirl!

OK, that last reference was a stretch.  Tonight seemed forced slightly so I'll stop now.  My artsy side is just getting warmed up though.  You'll be in for a treat later this month, but that should be it for tonight.  See you tomorrow evening!

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