Monday, December 3, 2018

December 3rd - Singlecut Beersmiths Softly Spoken Magic Spells

Well, it's been exactly 2 days since I've had an IPA on the docket to review.  I guess you know what I'm having tonight!  Tonight from Singlecut Beersmiths in New York is an Imperial IPA named Softly Spoken Magic Spells.  I've save you from artsy tonight and get down to business, but there could be some Pink Floyd references here for sure.  I did that last year.  I won't do that to you again.

I've sampled this 8.6% IIPA before and was blown away by it if I remember correctly.  I saw my own can waiting for me at good ol' W and S, just in case I haven't mentioned them yet in the last 3 days.  A bit on the pricer side for a 16 oz. can (nearly $6 at the store), I decided to let this one sit for just a few weeks, just in time for a review and to force me to enjoy it and analyze it to paralysis.

Poured from the can came a hazy, orange juicy color with a frothy head at the top.  I slowly poured this into the glass because I knew that there would be some yeast floaters due to the unfiltered nature of this beer.  Everything settled out rather nicely, and rather quickly.  

The aroma was a rather deep, yet tropical-centered aroma.  I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but it was almost elusive and ever-changing.  I did pin down a few of the layers here that consisted of mostly oranges and tangerines along with some general sweetness, bubble gum, slight pine notes and just a soft hint of malts in the background.  After reading up on the beer, I guess that's what is meant by the "softly" portion of the name.  

For a 131 IBU IPA, there is more acidity than bitterness with this beer
Again, there is a small malty backbone with a very flavorful tropical citrus burst, with just a touch of earthiness in the hop category.  There is a mild lingering bitterness reminiscent of orange juice.  This beer drinks like a west coast style-New England IPA hybrid.  Another strange way to describe it, but it's honestly just what comes to mind.  Overall, this isn't too dry, yet not too sweet either.

There's a lot going on here, but my overall impression compared to the first time I enjoyed it earlier this summer is still a favorable one.  If you can stomach a few extra bucks for a premium price, and you like the IPA stylings, this one is definitely for you.  As a bonus, if you enjoy NEIPAs, you really need to snag this if you see it.  I'm not much for the NEIPA due to the higher acidity from many in lieu of bitterness on the palate (IBUs aside), but this is a fine balance between the two.  

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