Saturday, December 17, 2016

December 17 - Pizza Boy Sunny Side Up

Well, it's been a week since my wife and I made the trip to Al's of Hampden/Pizza boy in Enola.  If you read the blog last week, we had an IPA called Spandex, Glitter, and Egos while Richard Simmons blew up your Facebook feed for some god-awful reason.  Take the time to read up on that trip for sure, because this will be a short review.  I don't want to rehash that trip yet again and I know you are pressed for time late in December.

So, as you already know if you read last week, we also brought home a crowler of #67 on the big board.  Number 67 was Sunny Side Up, and is Pizza Boy's 9.5% Imperial Stout made with fresh roasted coffee from Little Amps Coffee Roasters in Harrisburg.  I've had this beer before, on numerous occasions but have yet had the ability to review it here for one of the 25 Beers of Christmas. 

Haven't reviewed it yet...rules have been followed Walter

Since I had this filled a week ago, I had a funny feeling that something here would be sacrificed.  I wasn't sure what, but I was sure to soon find out.  The crowler appeared to have some decent pressure in it yet with just a simple squeeze.  I poured this beer into my rarely used Sunny Side Up clear coffee cup from Al's.  The beer poured a deep, dark brown, but as it hit the cup it was definitely as black as could be. 

One thing here that appears to be lost is the aroma due to a loss of head in the beer.  I tried a few different glasses to make sure I used the proper glassware for the job, but the aroma wasn't as powerful as I remember.  It's still tasted phenomenal! 

What I did get from the aroma was a sweet coffee with some dry baker's chocolate.  The aroma turned to an all coffee one as it warmed up a bit.  As for the taste, we have here a roasted, creamy, smooth, chocolate coffee beer suitable for the cold nights of winter to kick things up a notch.

Without blinking an eye, this is another must try if you're OK with coffee and beer in the same beverage choice.  I don't get down to Al's often, but when I do, I make sure to have either my emergency growler filled or, now, have a crowler filled to enjoy when I get home. 

4 Egg Yolks out of 5 tonight for sure!

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