Friday, December 2, 2016

December 2nd - New Belgium Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Next up to be filed in the "ice creams made into beer" category, tonight we have a Ben and Jerry's inspired Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ale from New Belgium.  Described on the label as a golden brown ale, this beer is made with chocolate and vanilla.

In the last 3 years, I have explored a few New Belgium beers after starting with their flagship beer, Fat Tire while visiting Walt Disney World a few summers ago.

If you're interested, I reviewed New Belgium's Accumulation last year with a complete recap related to that year's vacation.  

yeah, tangent there...sorry...

Anyway, I wasn't impressed here at first, but if I'm being honest, this beer grew on me.  Immediately passing judgment, I looked at it and compared it to one of those cheap macrobrews.  The beer poured a very transparent golden blonde color with a creamy white head on top.  I smelled it and couldn't get past the thought of it smelling like a cheap macrobrew.

Calm down ... it gets better...

*Disclaimer - Judgment free zone...if you like those types of beers, more power to you!  

Even though it didn't smell as I've described so far, I closed my eyes and did some searching here, but once I got the hint of some pricier ingredients instead of just corn, I saw the value of this brew.  The aroma was a faint vanilla one mixed with hot chocolate powder, and slight caramel.

First sip was very reminiscent of a chocolate chip cookie, semi-sweet, slightly bitter, with a sweet, lingering finish.  Just enough hops here to balance things out perfectly and not be too bitter.  This honestly feels like a dessert beer that is fairly light in body.  That means I would end up drinking it in
 a few minutes, and I'd be heading back for another few to cap off the night. would probably look like this...sorta...

Final Verdict

If you come across this beer I'd recommend giving it a try.  If you're looking for a hop-heavy beer, you won't find that here.  There isn't much in that neighborhood.  However, if you like sweeter beers this one is a safe bet and a must try.  I wouldn't personally pick up more than a few of these at a time, however.  Don't get me wrong, it's a decently made brew, but it's not something I could drink over and over.

3.5 out of 5 for this beer tonight

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