Friday, December 16, 2016

December 16 - Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout (2016)

Another late night for blogging.  This time it was due to returning an ugly Christmas sweater to Target because the LED light pack didn't work.  Hey, I got a day's worth of use out of it for free!

On my way home, I also decided to swing by Michael's and see what they had to craft my 2016 competition sweater for work.  When I got there, I found that their Christmas stuff was 70% off!  Not to give too much away, but my entry this year may or may not have a functional train attached to it.

In any event, back to the reason you're really here, and that's for the beer.  Tonight, reviewing quickly the 2016 version of Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout.  It had to be a few years ago, but I found this at my local distributor before I had a palate and saw the 10% ABV with a $40 price tag and I was sold, regardless of what I was drinking.  I enjoyed it back then and hope to again tonight. 

It appears that they've brewed this Russian Imperial Stout since 1994 and recommend cellaring to see how flavors change.  

To be expected from any RIS, this poured an opaque, jet black color with a creamy brown head at the top.  The aroma was a heavy chocolate malt and coffee with fruity notes to add to it.  I couldn't decide between whether I smelled cherry or raspberry so let's call it both.  

This beer was beyond flavorful.  With a thick and roasted malt backbone this beer had some bitter chocolate, almost like a baker's chocolate. Again I have to mention the cherry/raspberry fruity combo.   In addition to everything else, this was a creamy beer to drink.  Lastly, even as a 10% sipping beer to warm things up, because there was a slight alcohol bite to it, this thing still went down a little too easy.

I'd recommend sipping at this thing.  It lasted me for well over an hour, but at the same time I could have a few of these to make for a quick night just because it was so darn flavorful.  I don't remember it being this good a few years back, but maybe that's because I had no idea what I was doing.

Fake it til' you make it! 
If you slightly enjoy the Russian Imperial Stout and can stand the heavy chocolate and malt flavors, I highly recommend you find this beer.  If even just a regular stout is your thing, you need to seek this out.  I get nothing for this plug, but I'll buy the remainder of your 4 pack if you don't like it.  

4.5 out of 5 for this RIS tonight!  Find it!

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