Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13

 December 13 - Breckenridge Christmas Ale
Wife went shopping, time to get to work!
From Breckenridge Brewery out of Colorado, tonight we have Christmas Ale.  The beer pours a deep caramel color with very little head on top.  The aroma reminds me of a tripel-style beer.  This American Strong Ale clocks in at 7.4% ABV.  The alcohol is very well hidden in this beer.
I got to be honest.  This beer doesn't really have a whole lot going on (or maybe my palate is off tonight...I did start the night off with a glass of Braaaiins).  There are some spices in there, but I have no clue what they are.  Many of the other reviews on this beer said the same exact thing.  According to Breckenridge, I'm supposed to get caramel and chocolate.  I guess I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but it doesn't taste like a Twix bar or anything that has chocolate and caramel mixed together to me. 
Don't get me wrong, this beer is a smooth drinking strong ale with very well-disguised alcohol.  Overall, it's not a bad brew.  If you're looking for a stronger ale, with not too much alcohol bite, this is for you.  Not to mention, the price point isn't too shabby either! least it's supposed to snow tomorrow, I guess???
Bumble sad about beer.  Bumble happy about snow.  Bumble confused...

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